Thursday, August 2, 2012

Black & White Stripes

I developed an obsession with Black & White stripes somewhere between Fall Premieres and Spring Flowers.... I knew I had to have them somewhere in my apartment. I decided refurbishing an ottoman or footstool would not do the power of stripes justice. Here are my inspirations followed up by my take! 

Here is my version:

Very Satisfied with the results! 
I used this awesome blog as a resource! 

Top 5 images from Pinterest

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pretty Little Liars

I am not afraid to admit it. I am obsessed with an ABC Family show. Pretty Little Liars 
It is surprisingly twisted, unpredictable, and fresh. 
Netflix Seasons 1-2, Season 3 currently in session on ABCFam 

Friday, July 13, 2012

What Up Rit

So about a year ago I read an article about dyeing clothes...and then thought, nah. Once I came across this crazy blog, I decided to give it a go. I grabbed an old skirt & chose my potion:
I added 1c salt per instructions and soaked it for about 40 minutes. The picture doesn't do it justice and for some reason I couldn't get it to photograph correctly (probably because my camera is an iPhone...) but the actual color it came out with is more of a dark magenta/burgundy-ish. It's gorgeous and I really love it! Such a great way to make something old new again! 

Toy Soldiers

What, you don't line up your nail polishes and then photograph them? This is about 15% of my collection. I put them all up there but this made for a better photo. After row 3 it just looked like a hot mess. I feel like they're my soldiers. ha!

Sneak Peek

New Wall Color... Coming Soon!!

Fourth of July-ish

There were photos littering Pinterest of "Fourth of July" nails. That is alll fine and good, however, I've chosen to save my blue/red/white/drawing stars-and-stripes nails for later.... the Olympics, perhaps? Anyway, this is my version of fireworks and sparklers...with Sparkles! I wish I could capture on camera just how sparkly it is, but I like to think of it as a snowy TV screen being glitter bombed.  

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Summer Firsts

There is something magical that builds in the air as Spring rushes into Summer. The past few summers have been less than relaxing and enjoyed to their potential as I was busy trying to sort out the post-college era of my life. I am happy that chapter has concluded and I am now more in touch with myself and the goodness of each season than ever before. Take that extra moment to enjoy the first time you do something each season. 

1st Saturday Evening Lounging

1st Outdoor Lunch 

1st Walk Through Lincoln Park

1st Boat Ride On Lake Michigan

Friday, May 18, 2012


Sooo... after a ton of inspiration from my girl Flavia and my favorite new discovery Emily A. Clark, I decided my teeny tiny corner of the world needed a major redo*remix*renovation-nation! I then decided my first move would be to take my love for glitter global, as in- cover every single thing I possibly could in it! After about of week of elmer's glue & dollar store glitter... these picture frames were ready to go! 

Next, I cut fabric to fit into the frames and replaced the mirrors... done and done! 


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

There's A Sparkle In The Air

If I haven't said it before (ha-ha!) I'll say it again:

I am obsessed with all things glitter.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I, like so many others out there, have a sick Pinterest obsession. I still have my pink plaid binder (which I actively still use & fill) stocked with clear page protectors, white copy paper, & countless magazine cutouts glued on. I will always have a book of collection in my life, I just know it, but Pinterest has allowed a new outlet of CREATE. Above are two projects I tried and must give credit to the magical site of Pinterest.

And for full disclosure: I am now obsessed with glittering everything possible (which shouldn't come as a surprise as my blog is named GLITTER.lace.leather.) I've already switched the shoes above from pink to bluish/green. I am also glittering picture frames to display in my bathroom. 
Photos Coming Soon! 


It is no secret I am in love with Chicago. 
I was so happy to visit my friends, Flavia & Elliott, who moved to the city last August. It was the first time I went to their apartment and as expected, it was breathtaking. They have the most incredible view from their floor to ceiling windows I've seen. I was lucky enough to catch the day-to-night transformation. 
For a brand new obsession, visit Flavia's exceptional blog:

Chicago as seen from The Robinson's high-rise 

Chocolate Easter Crosses

My dad's surprise party didn't have a choice but to happen on Good Friday. As a true Catholic, I decided I should incorporate something to symbolize the importance of this day. A while back I saw this cross mold at Michael's and ended up purchasing it a few weeks later (with a 20% off coupon, of course.) I had never attempted melting/molding chocolate before so I decided to go for it and hope for the best. I do not have a stove in my apartment so I went for the microwave method. I put 7-10 chips in a glass bowl and melted on 50% power (very important!) for around a minute. I wanted it to be about 75% melted and then when you stir it, the acquired heat melts the rest. I used a fork to stir and to help pour into the molds. I insert the sucker sticks at this time and spin them around to ensure adequate chocolate coverage. I put the mold in the freezer for 15 minutes and remove! The molded suckers and candy pieces pop right out. 
I think they turned out lovely & were a big hit at the party. :) 

Chicago From Space

In case you were wondering, it really is a grid. 

View from the airplane window en route to Indiana

Happy 60th Birthday Daddy Nation!

My month of blogging silence was met with a month of events, projects, and time wasting. My proudest moment was the surprise party I threw back home in Indiana for my dad ("Daddy Nation/DN"). He turned 60 and I could not be more appreciative of him. A lot of planned/last minute prep went into this project and I couldn't have loved it more. My favorite parts would be the chocolate crosses (more on that later) and that speechless moment of surprise.  

Easter Pink

Nothing says HE HAS RISEN quite like a fluorescent pink mani, specifically one that was purchased at Family Dollar for...that's right: $1. I decided to leave the classy Busch Light can in the photo as homage to the fabulous party we had Friday night for my dad's 60th birthday. Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

Back To Business

Morning View of the Chicago River 

Friday, March 30, 2012

America The Beautiful

:: Sunrise at Merchandise Mart on the Chicago River :: 

The Greatest Lake

Chicago is known for its polarizing winters, love of baseball, and a corruption scandal here & there. 
What it ISN'T... is 80/+ degrees in mid March. 
Until NOW...

:: Lake Michigan, North Avenue Beach ::

Connect The Dots

all of the above.

Kiss Nail Stickers (Jewel, $6)
Dotted Tights (Nordstrom Rack, $4)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Go Green or Go Home

It is a rarity that St. Patrick's Day falls on a Saturday. This year, we were oh-so-lucky. Joined by two of my favorite partners in crime, we terrorized the city as one should on such a day and had a ridiculous time doing so. The tradition of dyeing the Chicago River green is one of the ages & incredible to see. 
Now, how do I get them to dye it pink...?

Opening Day Countdown!

Conveniently, Wrigley Field opens its doors on April 5th... which also happens to mark 60 years of my fabulous father's life. 
Get Excited!!

:: Addison Red Line ::

Flinstone Nails

I had reservations about using nail stickers. However, I saw these at Walgreens one night, and the reservations were over. These are not the popular Sally Hansen brand stickers, instead they are Kiss. After trying both, I must recommend the Kiss brand, without a doubt. I've done two rounds with these now (different prints) they lasted 5 days both times and would probably last longer (remember that whole changing my nail polish addiction? 5 days was a lifetime!) The Sally Hansen brand got caught in my hair & started chipping within the first 12 hours. 
Stick at your own risk! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Ice Skating

It's no secret that I spent the majority of my youth in the ice rink. I outgrew my more-than-my-rent professional ice skates years ago but every winter I force them on and head to Millenium Park for the free outdoor rink. It feels like you are truly in a storybook the view is so gorgeous. We are not offered many perks during Chicago winters....but this is definitely one of them. Getting to stare at the Adventures In Babysitting building is just a bonus. 

:: Millenium Park ::

Words To Live By

Not a huge Oprah fan, but I couldn't agree more in this case.
I Heart You Chi-City